Looking at Substance Use with Pattern Recognition Therapy (PRT)

Feb 23, 2023

Looking at Substance Use with Pattern Recognition Therapy (PRT)

Session 1

Step 1: Set up the vertical line.

Step 2: Set up the horizontal line.

Step 3: Set up the four quadrants. (Put yucky stuff like Anxiety, Pain, etc., in the lower left to set up for substance use.)

Step 4: Add Noticing

Step 5: Set up a noticing time spent pattern by creating “Substance Use Stuck Loops” on the left side.

Step 6: As your client talks, occasionally invite them to see their story as part of their pattern.

Step 7: At the end of the session, ask them if they might have the opportunity to notice the patterns showing up in their daily lives.

Session 2 

Step 1: Ask if they noticed any patterns.

Step 2: Ask if they noticed any behavior change.

Step 3: Ask if they noticed any shift in their life balance.

Step 4: As they talk, invite them to see their story as part of their pattern. 

Wash, rinse, and repeat.

You can use more words to fill out the "therapy hour." Be careful not to let the extra words impede the pattern recognition.

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