Sorting Silverware and Sorting Into the ACT Matrix

Aug 05, 2018

Sorting is the powerful change process when doing the ACT Matrix.

Imagine if someone asked you to sort silverware into the silverware drawer. You would quickly sort knives, forks, and spoons into their places. You are familiar with sorting into silverware drawers.

When you first encounter the ACT Matrix, you don't know where to sort things, but that soon changes.

You learn that people who are important to you get "sorted" into the lower right quadrant.

Then you learn that the stuff that can show up inside of you, like fear, is sorted into the lower left.

Next, you learn that behaviors you do to lessen stuff like fear, anxiety, and anger get sorted into the upper left.

And finally, you learn the behaviors you do to move toward who's important to you get sorted into the upper right.

In just a short while the four quadrants of the ACT Matrix become a silverware drawer for your life experiences.

Now, anytime and anywhere you can ask, "Where does this thing I'm doing now go? In the upper left or upper right?"

You can ask, "Am I currently focused on who's important to me (lower right) or yucky stuff I'd rather not be having (lower left)?"

You need not be accurate with the sort. The mighty change comes in the few fractions of seconds you pause. You are open to choose your response, and then the magic can happen.

Sorting forms the beginning of something called Verbal Aikido. You can learn more about Verbal Aikido if you purchase Webinar Pass. 


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